If you're a modern gamer, you'll probably look back over the last two decades of the gaming industry in awe. Back then, gamers were all too distant from the actions they made during play whether it involved shooting or platforming or usually both. Now, it's a whole new world dominated by players themselves, thanks to MMORPG which has given rise to role-playing multiplayer gaming.
Now, people actually co-exist in a virtual world while playing and being the actual characters. What's even neater is you get to live in an online world where other real people interact with you first-person, whether you're talking Diablo II, Everquest II or the unbeatable World of Warcraft.
In the beginning, MMORPG felt like a typical fad that people would eventually outgrow as a new tend took over. But it's been twenty years since the advent of this genre and it has so far not shown signs of waning. Every gamer would tell you that the adrenaline rush is addicting and this is probably responsible for people's unceasing passion for role-playing games from their tabletop beginnings to this digital age.
On the other hand, while it's tempting to restrict ourselves to the fun and thrills brought by this gaming phenomenon, it gives rise to security concerns for gamers who are inevitably predisposed to bringing their digital battles beyond virtual. It is not unusual to hear about gamers actually getting into fights once they've stepped out of their gaming universe and into the real world where they actually get to meet each other in the flesh. And these fights aren't to be taken for granted. Some have escalated to serious proportions, as well as grave injuries and even death.
The kind of games people play are solely their prudence but the issue becomes particularly sensitive for minors who are just as likely to be hooked as their adult counterparts and maybe even dangerously so. This not to say that MMORPG should be banned among young players but there should be, by all means, restrictions imposed by both family and social authorities. Teenagers are particularly impulsive and they are probably the ones who need to be able to balance their addiction before they get into serious trouble from the dynamics of a mere fantastical world.
This is where parents should take more vigorous steps in keeping their children alert where they should particularly for those who are just at the start of their teenage years. Self-enriching activities such as martial arts and music should be cultivated without unavoidably keeping them away from gaming which remains to be a worthwhile activity for a young person whose will always have the natural propensity to game. - 29852
Now, people actually co-exist in a virtual world while playing and being the actual characters. What's even neater is you get to live in an online world where other real people interact with you first-person, whether you're talking Diablo II, Everquest II or the unbeatable World of Warcraft.
In the beginning, MMORPG felt like a typical fad that people would eventually outgrow as a new tend took over. But it's been twenty years since the advent of this genre and it has so far not shown signs of waning. Every gamer would tell you that the adrenaline rush is addicting and this is probably responsible for people's unceasing passion for role-playing games from their tabletop beginnings to this digital age.
On the other hand, while it's tempting to restrict ourselves to the fun and thrills brought by this gaming phenomenon, it gives rise to security concerns for gamers who are inevitably predisposed to bringing their digital battles beyond virtual. It is not unusual to hear about gamers actually getting into fights once they've stepped out of their gaming universe and into the real world where they actually get to meet each other in the flesh. And these fights aren't to be taken for granted. Some have escalated to serious proportions, as well as grave injuries and even death.
The kind of games people play are solely their prudence but the issue becomes particularly sensitive for minors who are just as likely to be hooked as their adult counterparts and maybe even dangerously so. This not to say that MMORPG should be banned among young players but there should be, by all means, restrictions imposed by both family and social authorities. Teenagers are particularly impulsive and they are probably the ones who need to be able to balance their addiction before they get into serious trouble from the dynamics of a mere fantastical world.
This is where parents should take more vigorous steps in keeping their children alert where they should particularly for those who are just at the start of their teenage years. Self-enriching activities such as martial arts and music should be cultivated without unavoidably keeping them away from gaming which remains to be a worthwhile activity for a young person whose will always have the natural propensity to game. - 29852
About the Author:
As always, the trick is for these kids to balance between gaming, school and other productive activities. After all, there's no stopping them from wanting a fun game which is simply synonymous to computer games in this day and age.